

点击下面, you agree that you have read and understand the policies and procedures for responsibly managing your enrollment. You are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the 正规赌博十大网站 student handbook and College Catalog. These terms include but are not limited to the following:

  • 学生档案是保密的. Do not allow anyone access to this site with your Stinger ID number and pin number.
  • Registration in classes commits you to a financial obligation. Classes must be dropped prior to the posted deadline to receive a full refund of tuition and fees.
  • 如果你不希望这学期被录取, you should drop your classes before the published drop deadline date. 不要以为你的课程会被取消. You are personally responsible for making changes (drops or adds) to your 时间表, and for verifying that they have been made correctly. 打印一份你的学术论文 时间表 每当你做出改变.
  • 在截止日期后放弃一门课程, refunds are issued only for complete withdrawals in accordance with the published 正规赌博十大网站 refund 时间表.
  • Courses will only be canceled if payment is not made or a payment plan or an approved deferments has not been met prior to the published due date.
  • All balances must be paid in full prior to registering for future semesters. 在学期结束后, any unpaid balance may be turned over to the Minnesota Department of Revenue, 收集部门.

如果你正在检查你的经济援助状态, “Ready for Payment” on the Award Tracking screen applies to Grants and 奖学金 but does NOT apply to student loans. “Ready for Payment” does not mean that you have completed the steps to secure your loan(s). 请参阅门户网站中的获奖信.


There are detailed login instructions provided in the tan-shaded area on the actual login screen. Initially you are required to use the Stinger ID and Password to login.  The format of the Password causes some confusion.  Your Password is pre-set in most cases to your birthday in YYMMDD order.  A birthday of March 25, 1984 would generate a Password of 840325.


  1. 我不知道我的Stinger ID
  2. 我不知道我的密码
  3. 我忘了密码
  4. 错误信息"无效登录信息"
  5. 我什么都试过了,还是不能登录!

不知道我的Stinger ID….

Data privacy laws prevent us from giving out your Stinger ID via e-mail or telephone. Luckily there is a way to lookup your Stinger ID number on the web portal, so let’s try that.

第一个, when you’re on the login screen you should see 3 tabs across the top of that window; the first says “Login”, the second “Lookup ID” and the third “Lookup Password”. Click on the “Lookup ID” tab and you’ll see that you can find your Stinger ID by entering your SSN and Password.

你已经知道你的密码了. It is pre-set to your birth date, but in YYMMDD order. Enter your SSN and Password and you should get your Stinger ID. Then go back to the login tab and login using your Stinger ID and PIN. You’ll be prompted to change your Password the first time as a security measure. Your Password should be 8-20 characters long containing both letters and numbers and at least one symbol (example: !@#$%^&*). The password should not begin with zero, and should not be a simple sequence like 123456. The software will reject your Password until you create one that satisfies this criteria.

It sounds like a lot – but it should only take a few minutes to do.


步骤1: The tricky thing about your Password is the sequence of the pre-set number. 这是你的出生日期, but it is in YYMMDD order so that you begin with the YEAR you were born, 然后月, 然后一天. 确保每一份用两位数字表示. For example, if you were born on October 7, 1981 your Password is pre-set to 811007.

步骤2: Alright, now you tried your birth date in YYMMDD order, and it still does not work! It may be because the college does not have your birth date The next step is to try using the last 6 digits of your social security number (SSN). 只有最后6位数.

步骤3: 还是不行啊. 冷静点,还有一些方法可以尝试. Now we know that we have missing or wrong information in your student file. You now need to send us an e-mail and let somebody re-set your Password. 您必须包括您的全名和Stinger ID. You may include your birth date and/or social security number. 电子邮件 科技.help@mogrenlandscape.com and type in “Re-set Password ” in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your full name (the one on file with the college) and your Stinger ID, 出生日期和社会安全号由你决定.


You now need to send us an e-mail and let somebody re-set your Password. 您必须包括您的全名和Stinger ID. You may include your birth date and/or social security number. 电子邮件 科技.help@mogrenlandscape.com and type in “Re-set Password ” in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your full name (the one on file with the college) and your Stinger ID, 出生日期和社会安全号由你决定.

Error message says “invalid login information”….

1. 首先阅读上面的帮助部分, titled “Don’t know my Stinger ID” and “Don’t know my Password ”.

2. You can’t yet login to the system because you have not yet applied for admission to the college. If you recently submitted your application it may still be in the processing cycle, and you can check the website again in a day or two. If, 然而, you did not make a formal application for admission to the college you’ll first need to do that. 了解更多十大赌博正规平台在线申请入学的信息.


Call 技术 Support at 507-536-5555 or e-mail 科技.help@mogrenlandscape.com and type in “Re-set Password ” in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your full name (the one on file with the college) and your Stinger ID, 出生日期和社会安全号由你决定.